
See What Past Clients Say About Mold Assessment Group

Read testimonials and reviews from our satisfied clients who’ve experienced our exceptional mold assessment and testing services. Discover why clients trust us for their residential and commercial properties in the Carolinas.

Based on 4 reviews
Regina AbiGail Adams
Regina AbiGail Adams
Mold Assessment Grp responded quickly and professionally to our request for mold testing. A tenant complained that mold was causing her medical issues. Mold Assessment Grp came out the next day, explained the process and answered all questions. Results were provided within 4 days.
Cynthia Haigler
Cynthia Haigler
This group was very thorough in checking our house for mold both inside and underneath. They were very professional and we got our results back promptly. Highly recommend and they were very reasonably priced.
Ann Yountz
Ann Yountz
I had great success using MR Yountz, & Mold Assessment Group. Experienced, Knowledgeable, totally professional! Once the Work had been completed by a 3rd party Remediation Company of my Choosing, Mr. Yountz returned to inspect the repair work, to confirm remediation had been completed. This gave me great Confidence knowing that the work had been done exactly by his Protocol.
Dan DiPrima
Dan DiPrima
Ron is one of the best in the industry and is our go to company to call for all our IAQ pre and post testing Results. He’s very knowledgeable and sets a protocol that’s is great to work off on all our mold projects.


If you need help with any indoor environmental issues, Mold Assessment Group is the one to call!

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Mold Assessment and Indoor Air Quality Services

Contact us today for a thorough assessment of your property's mold and indoor air quality. At Mold Assessment Group, we are dedicated to providing reliable and comprehensive services to residential and commercial clients across the Carolinas.